The Mid-Sunday Night Meltdown

My 25th birthday is in one week. My husband will be turning 26 in two more months. We’re happily married. We have two cars. We’re trying to scrape a living while pursuing that good ole American dream.

In short order though, we have nothing in order!

We thought that with crossing the threshold that led into our mid-twenties meant life would be different. That the sky would open up and everything we ever wanted would fall into place. Instead, we’re just as confused as we were when we picked a major freshman year in college.

We don’t have a house, two dogs or a fabulous job that pays well and no kids. With our current diet, I’m not so sure we wouldn’t all be living off of baby food should the little patter of feet come our way.

We feel lost. This is what it supposed to be known as a, “Quarter-Life Crisis.” Yup. That fits the bill, a lot of help that term does for us though. I suppose I could place it next to our pile of real bills.

Despite our confusion, we make it. Day by day. That’s why and now I give you when this idea popped into our minds.

Have you ever experienced a Mid-Sunday Night Meltdown? When the magic of Saturday simply fades away and all you are left with is the impending doom of work in the morning?

The Mid-Sunday Meltdown has been occurring with alarming frequency as of late for us. What I am doing in life? What are we doing? Maybe we should move? How are we gonna get new jobs? Where would we go? Those are just a few questions that are pondered during this time before the grind starts anew on Monday morning.

We’re an adventurous couple who’d love for nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and travel around the world…except you’d have to call us Ishmael because we can’t cover the ever increasing airfare and cost to bring our luggage with us over many trips. Not to mention the fact that we can’t quit our jobs…we need them.

So, we’re bringing the world to us instead. The tastes and smells of different countries, minus the jet lag, will be invited and experimented upon with the help of our tiny kitchen. We’ll try 2 new recipes per week and a new country every two weeks. In a year, we’ll have sampled the exotic cuisine of 26 different countries. Our journey will start off as if we’re backpacking through Canada. We’ll continue our journey through Russia, Europe, Africa, South America, Mexico, and end with us back home in the United States this time next year. We’ll both be a fitting 26 years old when it’s all said and done.

We might be in over our heads. Ok. We are in over our heads. But hopefully, we’ll learn to cook for starters or at least learn that being an adult comes with other benefits such as being able to laugh at the very lumpy bowl of eggnog or a pile of sticky dough. If we make it through with all five fingers and apartment intact, we might just find ourselves after all.

We’ll share you trials and tribulations with you. We’ll share what recipe’s work for the average dumbstruck American and which one’s turn out disastrous.

Go check out Google Maps, and follow along with us as we jumped to 26 Countries:

  1. Canada
  2. Russia
  3. Mongolia
  4. China
  5. Greenland/Iceland
  6. India
  7. Thailand
  8. Australia
  9. Egypt
  10. Morocco
  11. South Africa
  12. Turkey
  13. Greece
  14. Romania
  15. Poland
  16. Italy
  17. France
  18. Spain
  19. Germany
  20. Nordic countries
  21. U.K.
  22. Ireland
  23. Chile
  24. Brazil
  25. Mexico
  26. U.S.

That’s not all. We want you to join us in this adventure. All the recipes will be accessible online and posted in advance so you try your hand at each dish as well. Come back if you haven’t burned your house down from cooking and tell us how the recipe went for you.

If we haven’t burned our kitchen down, we’ll celebrate together.

Come and cook your way around the world with us!

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9 Responses to The Mid-Sunday Night Meltdown

  1. Genna Sarnak says:

    Congrats on the new blog! I subscribed and am looking forward to reading more. What a great idea! 🙂

  2. Lale G says:

    Woo! I’m so glad you’re ‘visiting’ Turkey- we certainly have pretty amazing food! 🙂 Please let me know if you need any recipes etc. as I have a lot of really easy and delicious ones!


  3. Aubrey Fick says:

    Wow, this is awesome. Look forward to hearing more about your journeys together! 🙂

  4. Melissa says:

    What? No Israel?!?
    Just giving you a hard time. I’m always interested in new recipes. I hope this goal works out well for you. Have fun!

    mbamster0720 at gmail dot com

  5. Jen K says:

    I just love this idea. My boyfriend and I are totally on board. I have always wanted to try something like this and now is a good time to try it out. I can’t wait to start. Most excited about Poland, Greece, and France.

  6. tawnya says:

    Awesome! I love food and travel. Two of my favorite things!

  7. Tiffany D. says:

    Congrats on the new blog! I love this idea. I am really looking forward to reading about your recipes and how things turn out 🙂

  8. Sherri O. says:

    Wow, this is a wonderful experiment and I am happy to follow you. I also love food and travel but having 6 kids, both hubby and I working full time and me going to night school, travel for us is going upstairs to the bathroom (LOL). Can’t wait to get this traveling started.

  9. Tiffany S says:

    This is a great way to spend time together! So many different countries to visit and foods to try! I’m going to live vicariously through you for a bit!

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